授课老师: 罗伟
常驻地: 天津





▪ 基本概念 general review of business negotiation and VITO(VERY IMPORTANT TOP OFFICER) talk

 › 销售谈判的必要性——什么时候对方才会满意?内部销售谈判与外部销售谈判

1/Case talk: Construction tools Software products business negotiation for the key points of 5W2H1E谈判必要性5W2H1E案例分享 TETRAPEK利乐瑞典公司的如何事先管理案例分享


TETRAPEK sales preparations for 5w2h1e

How to deal with the problems with the above-mentioned problems

 › 销售谈判法的电话及邮件沟通技巧案例分享:Metro产品销售案例分享以及销售团队如何电话开始销售

1/Case Talk for practice: skills for negotiation talks in telephone sales 关于谈判的一些案例实战技巧说明(尤其是涉及到电话销售,Metro销售团队的案例分享,他们团队如何电话操作,大家边听边模拟

Metro telephone sales practice to know including the follow steps:

- How to sell yourself to your client

- When you seek your clients, how to target

- How to attract your clients to say what you need by phone

- To receive and keep your clients buying requirements and go through more details to achieve


 › 不同类型的销售谈判、分清楚位置position与利益interest

1/understanding what is USP before the business talk  USP谈判前的核心USP了解

 › 销售谈判中的陷阱、常用的销售谈判策略

1/Case Learning: by IBM sales cases, relative STP and MOT1-3 相关的STP和MOT cases for practice  IBM实战讲解(客户各个管理层如何认可我们的产品销售价值)

IBM cases to show:

- To grasp your clients needs and find possible buying points

- To let your clients buy your products on what basis and proposals


 › 有效影响力的六大基本原则

1/Case Talk and Enjoy: Talking Oracle Sales Team Working for how to influence those based on business talk in practice 案例讲解,Oracle销售团队如何影响那些谈判中的关键人物,具体实战说明和应用

Oracle sales team work to know:

- To let your clients buy by what skills and know-how

- To further let your clients proceed on next steps for the business at opening talk and processing


 › 建立合作与和谐关系、积极倾听、有效沟通实践

1/the opening ceremony before the formal business negotiation 谈判中的仪式感

2/personal interchange and ritual-mind set needed at first 谈判的人际互动案例

 › 销售谈判沟通中的五大陷阱与最佳实践

 › 管理销售谈判中的艰难对话

1/when you are in the process out of control somethings you must know to do in practical sales work 完全失败下的场景如何控制,实战讲解和应用 


 › 如何真正搞定客户,我的案例说明,案例精选 Tetrapek & Panasonic     working cases

1/find correctly your partner and talker 找对你的谈话人和主题

Case Learning: Oracle cases to show your professional knowhow and their needed stories based on your products and services Oracle案例讲解基于建筑工具型软件产品的知识和服务,如何制造购买的情景带入他们,说服他们购买以及解决购买中遇到的问题点例如应对客户的无理要求和解决客户问题等

ORACLE sales team:

- The arts for sales team by talking to get your clients understand and talk right words to meet their requirements

- Telephone sales USP to manage it well

 › 收尾的技术/技巧、最佳实践、及如何避免错误的收尾

1/In and during talks how we proceed and balance the situations with VITO clients 谈判中和重要阶段如何搞定VITO重要客户

2/Case Learning: By Metro cases to talk how to clear and close your negotiation and business talk points cases learning and practise


- How to perfect finish your talk by phone

- The key points to let your clients want to buy your products

- Again to attract your customers know their buying worthy and valuable


 › 客户关系的挑战

 › 一线经理、高级经理、决策层的工作区别及技能要求差异

1/To establish the client especially VITO relations become a must task 必须和你的客户VITO建立关系,这是核心工作要点

cases practice: By Metro and Oracle cases,personal management skills lesson for all sales案例讲解通过METRO和ORACLE销售团队的销售方式,对于建筑工具型软件产品销售顾问的核心人际管理技巧实践案例

METRO CASES SALES PEOPLE training lessons:

- Manage your clients buying psychology and motivations to let thing down

- Solve sales peoplecore-bad points problems in the realistic sales meeting or telephone-sales

- Let your sales people know the right way to use selling methods and actions to make customers happy and desirous.


 › 需求与期望分析和排序——我们并不能满足所有人的需求

1/Case Learning: By Oracle and China construction or building systems software sales cases to evaluate the clients processing model for your practical talk 案例讲解通过使用ORACLE和中国国内建筑工具软件的企业的销售谈判技能评估购买客户的实际购买模型,基于实际谈判和客户销售

- Oracle business sales for sales people to understand how to use SPIN in practice to manage your clients well

- Further sell a big price art to your clients on what ideas


罗伟 COLART英国柯雅美术中国公司 中国区销售总监

邀请老师授课:13439064501 陈助理

主讲课程:《商务英语写作》《英语对外谈判》《销售团队绩效》《客户服务管理》《品牌策略管理》《新产品上市》《NLP情绪和压力管理》、《从卓越到工匠精神》、《高效能人士的七个习惯》、《创造杰出绩效的教导》、《职场软实力》、《PME职业管理英语 》、《时间管理》、《企业文化管理课程大纲》、 《从技术走向管理》、《领导力综合管理课程系列》、《凝聚企业,达成共识》、《职业生涯管理》 《跨文化沟通》




