北京大学心理学副教授 张智勇
1989年参加 “高级人事管理理论与技术研究班”(UNDP资助项目、中国高级人事管理官员培训中心举办);
1997年1-5月 美国密执安大学做访问学者;
1999年9月-2000年8月 日本法政大学经营学部(人力资源管理)交换研究员;
2004年6-9月 加拿大蒙特利尔大学、皇后大学心理学系 访问学者
1988~北京组织人事研究所 助理研究员;
1992~北京海淀先锋电子公司市场部 工程师;
1995~北京大学 心理学系讲师(1995)、副教授(2000)
1998年 北京大学教学优秀奖
1998年 北京大学桐山奖教金
2001年 北京大学“十佳教师”
Ji, ., Khei, M, Yap, S, Wang, X.,Zhang, Z., Hou, Y. (2020). Cutura differences in the construa of suffering and the COVID-19 pandemic.Socia Psychoogica and Personaity Science.
ee, A., Ji, .J., i, Y., &Zhang, Z. (2020). Fear David or Goiath? Inferring competence from demeanor across cutures.Personaity and Socia Psychoogy Buetin, 46(7), 1074-89.
Ji, ., Hong, E.K., Guo, T.,Zhang, Z., Su, Y., i, Y.(2018). Cuture, Psychoogica Proximity to the past and future, and sef-continuity.European Journa of Socia Psychoogy. 1-13
Ji, ., Zhang, N.,Zhang, Z., Happer, G., Khei, M., i, J., (2017). Cutura Variations in Reasons for Advice Seeking.Journa of Behaviora Decision Making. 30:708-718
陈意,方嘉鸿,宋晓玉,张智勇(2016).马基雅维利主义和权力对不道德行为的影响.北京教育学院学报(自然科学版). 11(4): 8-16
Ji, ., McGeorge, K., i, Y., ee, A., and Zhang Z,(2015).Cuture and gambing faacies.SpringerPus 4:510
张丹丹,谢钰琪,张智勇(2012).初中学生的内隐职业性别刻板印象.北京教育学院学报(自然科学版). 7(4): 30-36
Jacobson, J.A., Ji, .,Ditto, P.H.,Zhang, Z. et a.(2012).The effects of cuture and sef-construa on responses to threatening heath information.Psychoogyand Heath, 27(10): 1194-121
Guo, T.,Ji, ., Spina, R., Zhang, Z.(2012).Cuture, Tempora Focus, and Vaues of the Past and the Future.Personaity and Socia Psychoogy Buetin, 38(8): 1030-1040
张智勇主编.《心理学概论》,中国原子能出版社. 2011年11月,第一版
Spina,R. R., Ji, .J.,Guo,T., Zhang,Z., i, Y.,& Fabrigar,.(2010).Cutura Differences in the Representativeness Heuristic: Expecting a Correspondence in Magnitude Between Cause and Effect. Personaity and Socia Psychoogy Buetin,583-597
Spina, R., Ji, ., Ross, M., i, Y., & Zhang, Z.. (2010). Why best cannot ast: Cutura differences in predicting regression toward the mean. Asian Journa of Socia Psychoogy, 13(3), 153-162
Guan, Y., Bond, M., Huang, Z., Zhang, Z., Deng, H., Hu, T., & Gao, H.. (2009). Roe of persona endorsement of outgroup members' distinctive vaues and need for cognitive cosure in attitude towards the outgroup. Asian Journa of Socia Psychoogy, 12(1), 54-62
Ji, .J. Guo,T.Y.Zhang, Z, & Messervey, D.(2009).ooking Into the Past: Cutura Differences in Perception and Representation of Past Information.Journa of Personaity and Socia Psychoogy. Vo. 96(4):761–769
eu, J.,Mesquita, B.,Esworth, P.C.,Zhang,Z., Yuan, H., Buchte, E., Karasawa, M.,Masuda, T.(2009).Situationa differences in diaectica emotions: Boundary conditions in a cutura comparison of North Americans and East Asians.Cognition and Emotion, 24(3):419-435
Ji, ., Zhang, Z., & Guo, T.. (2008). To buy or to se: cutura differences in stock market decisions based on price trends. Journa of Behaviora Decision Making, 21(4), 399-413.
张智勇.招聘和应聘中的心理学.寇彧(主编).名家谈心——12位心理学家为你讲述生活中的心理学.科学出版社. 2007年4月,175-193
张智勇,刘江娜.基于职业的内隐年龄偏见.应用心理学,2006,12(3): 214-218
张智勇,荣煜.中国大学生职业成熟度量表的信度与效度.西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版),2006,32(5): 1-6
张智勇,袁慧娟(2006).社会支配取向量表在中国的信度和效度研究.西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版),32(2): 17-21
荣煜,张智勇,管延军(2006).大学生梦境主题的质的研究.北京教育学院学报(自然科学版), 2: 11-15
袁慧娟,张智勇(2005).招聘情景下内隐化相貌偏见的表达.北京大学学报(自然科学版),41(2): 303-308
Ji, .J.,Zhang, Z., & Nisbett, R.E(2004). Is it Cuture, or is it anguage? Examination of anguage effects in cross-cutura research on categorization.Journa of Personaity and Socia Psychoogy. 87(1): 57-65
Ji, .J., Zhang, Z., Usborne, E., &Guan, Y. Optimism across cutures: In response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. Asian Journa of Socia Psychoogy. 7(1):25-34
王春燕,张智勇(2004).招聘:外貌不应偏见.《中国人力资源开发》, 5: 47-49
Wang, C. & Zhang, Z.(2003). On the facia attractiveness bias in recruitment. Annua Conference of Socia Psychoogy in China(Jinan)
Zhang, Z. & Wang, C.(2003). How Facia Attractiveness, Gender, and Other Factors Infuence Personne Seection In Chinese Cuture Context? Paper forPan-Pacific Conference. (Shanghai)
Kashima, Yoshihisa; Kashima, Emiko S; Gefand, Michee; Goto, Sharon; Takata, Toshitake; Takemura, Kazuhisa; Zhang, Zhiyong(2003). War and peace in East Asia: Sino-Japanese reations and nationa stereotypes. Peace & Confict. Journa of Peace Psychoogy. 9(3):259-276
张智勇主编(2001). 《应用心理学》. 吉林教育出版社. 2001年5月
张智勇等(译)(2001). 《市场营销教程》(上下册). 华夏出版社.2001年1月
ijun Ji, Frank Yates,Zhiyong Zhang. (1999). Cuture, diution effect and accountabiity. Paper submission to Judgement and Decision-making Conference of APA. os Angees, U.S., Nov., 1999
张智勇,王垒,漆鸣.(1998). 中文人格特质词的基本维度研究:大学生自我评定的因素分析。心理学报,30(1):85-92
Zhiyong Zhang & Shanhong uo.(1998). A comparative study on the measurement resuts of coege students on SC-90.Chinese Menta Heath Journa. 12(2): 77-78
Zhiyong Zhang. A Study on Indigenous Chinese Personaity Factors Structure: the Big-Seven mode perspective.The Second Conference of the Asian Association of Socia Psychoogy. Kyoto, Japan. August 4-6, 1997