授课老师: 王琛
常驻地: 北京

Conflict Management & Interpersonal Communication 

一、 适用学员 Attendees

▪ 企业中高层经理、部门经理、主管、新任管理者、从专业人才转型到管理岗位的、进一步想提高管理绩效的、晋升到高层管理以及其它预备管理人员。

▪ All levels managers

二、 培训时长 Duration

▪ 2天(6小时/天)

▪ Two days (6 hours / day)

三、 培训方式 Methodology

▪ 精通:观念体验、模型体验、案例体验、互动体验

▪ Lecture on concept, modeling, case study.

▪ 气通:游戏体验、参与体验、分享体验、动手体验

▪ Game engagement, experience sharing and on-spot practice

▪ 神通:工具体验、角色体验、计划体验、承诺体验

▪ Communication tool application, plan and commitment for future

四、 培训目的 Objectives

▪ 建立对冲突的正确看法与认识

▪ 掌握管理和解决冲突的方法与技巧

▪ 有效提升沟通效能、减少不良冲突

▪ 了解工作中沟通的问题

▪ 正确理解沟通的定义和共同的过程

▪ 掌握沟通中说,听,问的技巧

▪ 学习工作中沟通的六个步骤

▪ 掌握工作中上下级沟通的特点和正确方法

▪ 了解人人际风格共同技巧

▪ 化解冲突、强化沟通,做一名优秀的管理者了解

▪ To establish a correct view on conflict and understanding of conflict management

▪ To grasp the methods and skills of conflict management and resolution

▪ To improve effectively communication efficiency and reduce harmful conflicts

▪ To Search the reasons of problem in communication

▪ To understand the definition of communication and common process.

▪ To master communication, listening, asking skills.

▪ To learn the six steps of communication in the work.

▪ To learn the characteristics and correct method of communication between the superiors and the subordinates.

▪ To understand interpersonal styles of common skills.

五、 课程特色 Features



六、 课程大纲 Outline


▪ 冲突的定义及新观点

▪ 冲突的类型

▪ 冲突产生的原因

▪ 如何正确看待冲突

▪ 冲突的过程


▪ 竞赛还是共赢?

▪ 冲突解决的原则

▪ 如何达成统一?

▪ 冲突解决的方法

▪ 管理者处理冲突的技巧

▪ 组织处理冲突的要点


▪ 认知差异

▪ 人格差异

▪ 目标差异

▪ 价值观差异

▪ 沟通不力

▪ 资源分配不均

▪ 权与利的争夺

▪ 组织变革


▪ 冲突的种类

▪ 冲突对组织文化和氛围的影响

▪ 冲突管理失当带来的损失


▪ 冲突管理的核心

▪ 激发建设性冲突



▪ 冲突管理五大策略


▪ 发现问题

▪ 控制情绪

▪ 冷静分析

▪ 制作管理表

▪ 关注目标

▪ 表达情感

▪ 折中调和

▪ 分析现状

▪ 达成共识

▪ 落实行动

第七章 沟通

▪ 工作和生活中常见的沟通问题与后果(举例)

第八章 沟通的定义

▪ 沟通的定义

▪ 沟通的三要素

▪ 沟通的双项性

▪ 沟通的两种方式

▪ 非言语以及语言沟通的作用与特点

▪ 信任是沟通的基础

第九章 沟通技巧

▪ 有效发送信息的五要素。时间,地点,内容,对象,方法

▪ 聆听的五种层次

▪ 有效聆听的过程及特点

▪ 反馈的定义

▪ 反馈的特点

▪ JOHARI沟通视窗

第十章 人际风格沟通技巧

▪ 四种沟通风格

▪ 支配型人的沟通特点

▪ 分析型人的沟通特点

▪ 表达型人的沟通风格

▪ 和蔼型人的沟通风格

第十一章 各个层级的沟通技巧

▪ 上下级沟通的过程

▪ 上下级沟通的问题

▪ 高级管理者在沟通中的目的

▪ 中级管理者在沟通中的目的

▪ 员工在沟通的目的

▪ 有效的上下级沟通

▪ 跨部门、跨职能的人员沟通

第十二章 工作中沟通的六个步骤

▪ 沟通之前的准备 - 沟通目标的设定

▪ 确认双方的需求和目标 - 沟通中的提问技巧

▪ 沟通中的有效地表达 - 有效表达的两种方式

▪ 如何处理沟通种的异议

▪ 达成共识

▪ 共同实施


▪ 认清自己处理冲突的风格

▪ 谨慎选择准备处理的冲突问题

▪ 正确评估冲突当事人

▪ 分析冲突原因和根源




▪ 选择合适的处理方法

▪ 提升冲突


Correct Understanding of Conflict

▪ Definition on conflict and new viewpoint

▪ Types of conflict

▪ Causes of conflict

▪ How to correctly view on conflict: conflict is good or bad?

▪ Process of conflict


The Wisdom of Resolving Conflicts

▪ Competition or win-win?

▪ Principles of conflict management

▪ How to achieve unity?

▪ Conflict Management Methodology

▪ Managers' skills on conflict management

▪ Key points for conflict management


Possible factors of conflict

▪ cognitive differences

▪ personality differences

▪ goals differences

▪ values differences

▪ poor communication

▪ uneven distribution of resources

▪ competition for power and interests

▪ organizational change


Different types of conflicts and their impact on enterprises

▪ types of conflicts

▪ The impact of conflict on organizational culture and atmosphere

▪ Losses from improper conflict management


Managing and Resolving Conflicts

▪ the Core of Conflict Management

▪ Stimulating Constructive Conflict Properly

Stimulating Constructive Conflict_

How to Stimulate Constructive Conflict

▪ Five Strategies of Conflict Management

Avoidance - Non assertive, non co-operative

Accommodation - Non assertive, co-operative

Compromise - Some assertiveness, some cooperation

Competition - Assertive, non co-operative

Collaboration - Assertive, co-operative

Choose the Right Conflict Management Strategy


Ten Steps of Conflict Management:

▪ Identifying Problems

▪ Controlling Emotions

▪ Analyzing rationally

▪ Making Management Tables

▪ Setting up targets

▪ Expressing Emotions

▪ Mediating Emotions

▪ Considering Present Situation

▪ Achieving Consensus

▪ Implementing Action



▪ Common communication problems and affects in work and life (examples)


Definition of Communication  

▪ The definition of communication

▪ Three key factors of communication

▪ Interactions of communication

▪ Two-way communications

▪ The functions and properties of body language

▪ Trust is foundation of communication


Communication Skill

▪ The five elements of how to effectively send information: time, place, content, object and method.

▪ Five levels of listening

▪ Process and characteristics of effective listening

▪ The definition of feedback

▪ The characteristics of feedback

▪ JOHARI Window


Personality on Communication (DISC, Dr. William Moulton Marston)

▪ Four type of communication style

▪ Communication style for Dominance

▪ Communication style for Influence

▪ Communication style for Steadiness

▪ Communication style for conscientiousness


Communication Skills of Each Level

▪ The process of communication between the superiors and the subordinates.

▪ The problem of communication between the superiors and the subordinates.

▪ The purpose of senior managers’ communication

▪ The purpose of middle managers’ communication

▪ The purpose of employee’s communication

▪ Effective communication between the superiors and the subordinates

▪ Cross-functional communication


Six Steps of Communication in the Work

▪ Goal setting for the communication in advance

▪ Identify needs and goals of both sides - the questioning techniques of communication

▪ Communicate effectively - two ways of effective expression

▪ How to deal with the objection

▪ Reach consensus

▪ Implementation


Being an Excellent Communication and Conflict Management Professional

▪ Recognize your own style on communication and conflict management

▪ Careful selection of conflict issues to be addressed

▪ Correct assessment of the parties to the conflict

▪ Analysis of the Causes and Roots of Conflict

communication differences

position differences

personality traits

▪ Selection of appropriate treatment methods

▪ Promoting constructive conflict

 Summary: Q&A


王琛 实战派管理专家,中加工商管理学院特聘教授

邀请老师授课:13439064501 陈助理





